是否 you like it or not in the 未來的日子裡 will be 說 about the most
壯觀期待已久的推廣最新型號的手機銀河S4.According to 洩露的AnTuTu基準測試結果,
from 源,其身份 have 說, GSM競技場 that the
門戶網站稱為 to almost all the 規格 of 三星Galaxy S4.
三星Galaxy S4
特定 the 之間的相似性 the 洩露的智能手機 and the 官方圖片 that 三星嘲笑今天早些時候,
這是 quite 可能 that this 是, in 事實, the 真正的交易.
讓我們€™的 have a look at the 視頻第一:
“ most 重要 thing to 通知是, of course the 三星Galaxy S IV設計,
which is pretty 類似 to that of 它的前身. “ back 面板似乎 to be made of a different 樣 of 塑料,
雖然, and the 智能手機似乎 to be 苗條整體
(判斷 by size of the 標準的3.5mm音頻插孔的比較 to the 整體厚度).
一個快速的截圖為基礎計算點 to a 厚度 of just 根據8毫米,
which is a 顯著改善 over the 8.6毫米 of the 銀河S III, but then 再次,
the 決議 of the 視頻 is a quite 低 so take this with a 捏 of 鹽.
視頻 also 顯示 us a 確認 of the 三星Galaxy S IV可移動 back 面板,
支持熱插拔microSD存儲卡插槽 and 2600 毫安時的電池.
揚聲器 has also been 搬遷 from 並肩 the 鏡頭 to the 底部 left 角落 of the back 面板.
向 the end we also get a 一瞥 of the system 信息屏 of the 主菜單,
which 顯示 the Android的 4.2.1 平台 that the 銀河S IV will 容易 be 運行 at 發射.